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40 - Islington, London, England

I have an interesting, calm and happy life. I’m looking for the man to provide the missing piece I make...


38 - Ripley, Derbyshire, England

I’m happy being single but it would be great to meet someone with a good heart who can bring me joy. I’m easy...


41 - Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Strong female, business owner, works long hours, enjoys exercise, socialising, music and wine, Love to try new...


43 - Kettering, Northamptonshire, England

I'm easy going and open to anything, I enjoy travelling and meeting new people. I like motorsports, football,...


40 - Towcester, Northamptonshire, England

Good sense of humour, can hold a conversation. Enjoy Country festivals and gigs. Definatley got a half glass...


41 - Ipswich, Suffolk, England

Hey, I'm an outdoor person who enjoys sports such as swimming, wild swimming, cycling, running and annual ski...

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Success Stories

I met my fiancée on here in October 2020. We clicked and during the second lockdown we ended up locking down together. We got to know each other very well and I moved in 5 months later. We have been together ever since and next year we are getting married!! I am so happy that I have found my soulmate. Thank you!!!
Lisa, 05 July 2024
I've met a lovely man through this site and we are getting on really well. We both feel as if we've known each other for years and are loving spending time together
Margaret, 30 August 2024
'Hit it off' Immediately with a certain lady, who is as 'in the now' as myself . Stunning match, feel good factor continuing as days go by, uncomplicated relaxed! Excellent site, good standard
John, 02 February 2025

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Thanks so very much for your prompt reply and assistance, very much appreciated!
Donna, 21 May 2024
Thanks for being so helpful. I'll use you again in the future
Pam, 21 July 2024
Thanks again for your kind response. Very much enjoying the site, very easy to use.
Clive, 18 July 2024